As we enter the darkest time of year, and best time to cozy up with a book next to the fire with a hot cup of tea...
I have always loved reading especially when the weather is shit and the sun goes down so early. This year I discovered audible, as someone who lives with ADHD I can sometimes struggle to keep engaged in books I'm reading as my mind drifts to to-do lists or events of the day, but being able to listen to books while I work on art projects and home renovations has been a game changer. I finished 17 books this year! I can't hardly believe it.
Here are the best books I've read over the past few months. Hopefully they will captivate you as much as they did me. All of these books are available on Audible and some of them are even free with a membership.

The Wisdom of Wolves
by Jim and Jamie Dutcher
Free with membership
This book opened my eyes to the intimate love these animals possess and all they're capable of. If you have ever been entranced by the allure of the wolf, but never taken a deep dive into their lives or mannerisms, The Wisdom of Wolves will entrance you, giving you a better understanding of how truly special these creatures are and how much they need human advocacy. Jim and Jamie study one specific pack in a remote and natural setting with such detail. 10/10 would read again.

Finding The Mother Tree
by Suzanne Simard
This was my very first audible selection and one of my very favorites. Suzanne gives a woman's perspective of the forestry industry in a time where she was one of the few, during turbulent changes, and takes note of the world around and inside her all the while. In her memoir, she dives deep into the relations of plants, trees, and mycelium, tells stories of her struggles with cancer, finding meaningful love, and advocating for the most important species without voices. Touching on LBGTQ relationships, hiking with grizzlies, indigenous traditions, and life in British Columbia, this one was hard to put down.

by Arlene Blum
Free with membership
If you're looking for the best true story of women's empowerment, this is it. Alpinism, especially in the seventies, is a sport generally dominated by men. Arlene's book will give you a glimpse of the true, heart breaking grit and determination it took to summit one of the gnarliest peaks in the Himalayas. I can't imagine what climbing even the easiest peak would be like, especially with the gear they had back then. Get your tissues out, this one is a tear jerker.

Life in The City of Dirty Water
by Clayton Thomas-Muller
Another one to pull on your heart strings, Clayton's memoir will make you feel all the feels as you follow his journey from an abused alcoholic young man to a political leader and climate warrior. Growing up in Winnipeg, as one of the first generations to feel the full effects of forced assimilation, this book touches on trauma, healing, indigenous rights, rituals, and will inspire you to question the system we've become so accustomed to. The immense detail and immaculate story telling will engage you deeply and come back for a second helping.

Deep Survival
by Laurence Gonzales
Free with membership
Easy to jump in and out of, Deep survival tells many stories of people on the brink of death in the wilderness. I found this book especially interesting as someone who enjoys the outdoors more than any other pursuit in this life. It helped to open my eyes to the true capability of our minds in times of crisis, and how a positive mental attitude makes the difference 9/10 times. the other 1/10 times is just pure luck, which will always play a factor regardless.
I hope you enjoy these amazing reads and find them as compelling as I did!